
Andrea Goulet received her PhD in French Literature from Yale in 1999 and is currently Associate Professor and Graduate Chair of French at the University of Pennsylvania.

She is the author of Optiques: The Science of the Eye and the Birth of Modern French Fiction (Penn, 2006) and Legacies of the Rue Morgue: Science, Space, and Crime Fiction in France (Penn, 2015), as well as articles and co-edited journal issues on modern French fiction.

She currently serves as Co-Chair, with Corry Cropper of BYU, of the Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association and is a faculty fellow in Penn’s Humanities, Urbanism, and Design (H+U+D) workshop.

Keynote Address: “Les Drames de la Rue:  Politics, Theater, and Crime in/off the Streets of 19th-C. Paris”